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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Good Fruits For Weight Loss

Fruits are one of nature's gems that man has not quit figured out how to full utilize just yet. Everyone knows that fruit is good for the body and that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", but I'm not so sure that we understand the true meaning behind that. Not only do fruits serve as something that our bodies need but they also assist us in the never ending weight loss war. Yes it is true that there are certain fruits that aid you in your quest to drop pounds.

Although "cherries" are synonymous with pies they have many other uses that benefit us. First off, cherries are low in calories which allows you to be able to eat a healthy amount without packing on pounds. A handful of raw cherries with pits has about 74 calories. If they are pitted more cherries will fit into a cup which will increase the calories to about 92.

Grapes are another great low-calorie fruit. More importantly the type of grape that you choose does matter, because each grape has its own unique make-up therefore rendering a specific amount of calories per grape. The good news is that the number of calories will not vary too much so it is safe to say that one cup of grapes contains about 62 calories.

If you are one who loves sweets then it is best that you try berries. They have been known to satisfy a sweet tooth or two. The good news is that they are packed with nutrients and vitamins. One cup of blackberries contains 74 calories, a cup of raspberries has 60 calories, and strawberries have only 45 calories per cup. Coming in on the high end of the spectrum, blueberries topple out at 82 calories per cup.

The name of the game with weight loss is "calories." If you can keep those calories to a minimum and burn more than you pack on then you will be at your desired weight in no time.

For More Related Topics Blog: Food For Quick Weight Loss

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