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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Exercises For Quick Weight Loss How to Lose a Lot of Weight in One Week

As busy as most of us are it can be difficult if not almost impossible to do anything more than go to work, eat, commute and sleep. Throw kids into the mix and it becomes almost impossible to exercise for any amount of time.

In this article I will outline quick 15 minute exercises for quick weight loss. This is how to lose a lot of weight in one week. IF you stick to it for a full week or two! Most people think they have to spend hours working out to notice a difference or lose weight. So instead they do nothing at all. WRONG!

The key is to keep your workout short and include intense multi joint exercises so you get the most done with the least work. Here is a 15 minute exercise plan I used to lose weight in only 2 weeks. I was not able to do this till my second month of dieting because I was in such bad shape. If this is your situation find a diet and stick to a diet for a full month before adding on an exercise regimen.

1. Go for a 3-5 minute power walk or jog. This can be up stairs, up and down your driveway or down the block and back. This will get your heart rate up and warm you up

2. Do as many pushups as you can in a 3 minute period.

3. Immediately switch to as many situps as possible in a 3 minute period.

4. Do as many squats as you can in 3 minutes. No weight just up and down with your arms at your sides.

5. Jump rope for 3 minutes straight.

You can take breaks and most will have to in the beginning. Every time you do this shoot to increase your numbers. It doesn't matter if you can only do 5 pushups. Do five and next time do 5 and a half!

Remember, this will do nothing if you are eating horrible. As a matter of fact, your diet is more important than the exercise. Most of my initial weight loss was attributed to a diet I was following. BUT once I threw in the exercise it just catapulted my results.

For More Related Topics Blog: Meals Plans For Weight Loss

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