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Monday, September 30, 2013

Weight Loss Tips Of The Day

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Jump Start Weight Loss With These 5 Metabolism Boosters

Here are 5 ways to jump start weight loss and build a strong metabolism that burns fat off your body more efficiently. Your metabolism is your body's internal engine and you can give it a tune up just like you tune up the engine in your car so it runs more efficiently and burns calories and fat better. Metabolism is the key if you want to get fast results that last, please read on to learn how to give your body a tune up.

Jump Start Weight Loss

1. Keep your body guessing. Your body is wonderful at adapting to your routine so if you are keeping your calories very low in hopes to get the fat off faster then your body will adapt to this low level and slow your weight loss. This is why you must vary your calorie intake during the week. Make this simple on yourself by adding one meal a week which I call a "Booster Meal" that is higher in calories and boosts your metabolism.

2. Exercise with intention. If you find yourself just going through the motions when you exercise then you are not getting the boost to your metabolism that will help your body burn fat. Constantly vary the intensity of your workout moving back and forth between high effort and low effort.

3. Lift weights. This idea can bring up a lot of resistance for some people but the truth is your metabolism rate is very closely related to how much muscle you have on your body. Even adding one pound of muscle to your body will allow you to burn 50 additional calories during the day.

4. Think protein. Whether you are enjoying a meal or a snack you will give your body a metabolism boost by having protein. This nutrient is hard to digest which means you require more energy to break it down.

5. Sleep. This sounds too simple to be a tip to jump start weight loss but the truth is that your body needs at least 7 hours a night to recharge your metabolism. If you want a fast fat burning metabolism during the day then give your body what it needs at night.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight In A Week Fast

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Exercises For Quick Weight Loss How to Lose a Lot of Weight in One Week

As busy as most of us are it can be difficult if not almost impossible to do anything more than go to work, eat, commute and sleep. Throw kids into the mix and it becomes almost impossible to exercise for any amount of time.

In this article I will outline quick 15 minute exercises for quick weight loss. This is how to lose a lot of weight in one week. IF you stick to it for a full week or two! Most people think they have to spend hours working out to notice a difference or lose weight. So instead they do nothing at all. WRONG!

The key is to keep your workout short and include intense multi joint exercises so you get the most done with the least work. Here is a 15 minute exercise plan I used to lose weight in only 2 weeks. I was not able to do this till my second month of dieting because I was in such bad shape. If this is your situation find a diet and stick to a diet for a full month before adding on an exercise regimen.

1. Go for a 3-5 minute power walk or jog. This can be up stairs, up and down your driveway or down the block and back. This will get your heart rate up and warm you up

2. Do as many pushups as you can in a 3 minute period.

3. Immediately switch to as many situps as possible in a 3 minute period.

4. Do as many squats as you can in 3 minutes. No weight just up and down with your arms at your sides.

5. Jump rope for 3 minutes straight.

You can take breaks and most will have to in the beginning. Every time you do this shoot to increase your numbers. It doesn't matter if you can only do 5 pushups. Do five and next time do 5 and a half!

Remember, this will do nothing if you are eating horrible. As a matter of fact, your diet is more important than the exercise. Most of my initial weight loss was attributed to a diet I was following. BUT once I threw in the exercise it just catapulted my results.

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Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Checklist to Determine If a Weight Loss Program Will Meet Your Needs and Help You Get Healthy

In order for a weight loss program to effectively work, it needs to meet at least 6 qualifications. Most, if not all, need to be addressed in the programs to be a well-rounded and doable system.

1. It must suggest that you see your health care provider before starting the program. Any health issues and precautions need to be discussed and taken care of before starting the program. The cause of your weight gain may be a result of a medical condition and only your physician can address this issue.

2. It must have a nutritional component to it. It needs to provide a meal plan, or a list of foods to eat and/or avoid. It needs to explain the food guidelines.

3. There needs to be a cardiovascular segment to the program. Cardiovascular or aerobic exercise is not the best way to lose weight (it does assist in it), but it does strengthen your heart and improve your overall health.

4. Weight training must be done to lose weight and shape/contour the muscles. This provides long-term results and provides strength. The program you choose must have a strength training component. Muscle burns more calories than fat and only working out with resistance will build muscles. The range for weights go from a light 2 pounds to very heavy (25-35 pounds). Depending on your goal, you will decide on the weight you want to use.

5. Support is always needed to be successful. The support can be from fitness professionals, support staff and/or others who are trying to lose weight just like you.

6. A bonus qualification would be if the program addresses the possibility of an emotional aspect of your weight gain. Why you have gained weight may be deeply rooted because of a past incident or situation.

This is an excellent checklist to use when you want to lose weight and choose which program will effectively help you lose those unwanted pounds and inches.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Exercise At Home

How to Achieve Successful Stomach Weight Loss

Does your bulging tummy making you feel insecure and always self-conscious? Do you find yourself shying away from group gatherings especially when it is a trip to the beach just because you dread wearing a swimsuit? Well if you feel you have tried every single thing to help you with stomach weight loss, then here are some easy and surefire tips that will hopefully help you finally achieve stomach weight loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: Pcos And Weight Loss

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Holistic Approach to Weight Loss

A recent study examined people on different popular weight loss diets such as Weight Watchers, Atkins, Zone diet and others. Over a period of time some participants within each group lost weight while others didn't succeed to lose any weight. The study concluded that one weight loss diet can't fit everybody.

Weight loss process shouldn't be oversimplified to just reducing caloric intake. Everybody is different. There may be different reasons for weight gain. Some of the reasons are the health related ones that should be identified and addressed in order for someone to lose weight successfully and maintain it.

Some of the health-related reasons for weight gain are hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, estrogen dominance, insulin resistance, dysfunctional liver. Decreasing the caloric intake and exercising regularly will not work in these cases.

While it is important to see a medical practitioner for the right diagnosis and take the prescribed medications, a complete lifestyle change is necessary to get the sustainable results.

If you have hypothyroidism, for example, you need to choose the foods that don't suppress the thyroid function; if you have liver problems eat liver-friendly diet. Detoxify your body with one day fasting with lemon water or just filtered or spring water or if you can't fast consider a one day mono-diet. Take psyllium husk powder or ground flax seed with water in the morning and in the evening to cleanse the colon. Do yogic postures. Yoga massages internal organs and can help normalize hormonal functions.

These are some of the basics of the holistic approach to weight loss. This approach helps eliminate the cause of weight gain. By choosing the food that improves your health and by adapting a healthy lifestyle you'll be able to lose weight and maintain it without constant calorie counting and struggle.

10 Minute Weight Loss Workout

Here's a 10 minute weight loss workout that's great for losing weight quickly and easily. It's effective because of it's simplicity. This is something you can do 6 days a week. So it'll take you a grand total of 1 hour a week. Considering there are 168 hours in a week, that isn't much to ask of you since you should be devoting more than 1% of your time to your health and body.

10 Minute Weight Loss Workout

1. Walk up and down stairs for 4 minutes

This is powerful for weight loss. Sure lots of people walk up and down stairs everyday... a bunch of times each day. But they don't do it non-stop. Doing this 15 times in a row is WAY BETTER than doing it 15 times in a day every once in awhile. I'm hoping you have stairs in your home or condo - apartment building.

2. After the stairs, do 2 minutes of jumping jacks non-stop

Keep going. You're getting past the halfway point. Jumping jacks are an effective total body workout. Don't give up. It's only 10 minutes. Your legs may be getting tired at this point. Push through that. How bad do you want to lose weight? There is no magic pill. You gotta put in some work and effort.

3. Repeat walking up and down the stairs for another 4 minutes

You finish it off with the same walking you did before.

This 10 minute weight loss workout is great for stay-at-home moms and busy women who don't have time to get to the gym. In the time it takes you to drive to the gym, you can complete your weight loss workout.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Best Weight Loss Method

By far the best weight loss method and most permanent is Hypnosis. It's a fact that if the mind can perceive it, the body will conceive it. Using hypnosis will accomplish several unique changes for you. It will boost your confidence, increase your self-esteem, and change your eating habits. One of the key problems in weight loss is changing what you eat, how much, and when. When you make these changes, losing weight is not only natural but it's permanent.

Hypnosis is a natural state that everyone goes through several times a day. It is a state of heightened awareness and suggestibility. You go through a hypnotic trance just before you go to sleep and when you wake up. In both cases, you are not asleep nor are you wide-awake. If you have ever been so into a movie or a book that you're oblivious to everything around you, you are in a hypnotic trance. Even while daydreaming, (or being mesmerized,) you are in a hypnotic trance. You can accomplish this same state with the help of a Hypnotherapist or using a hypnosis recording and learning self hypnosis.

The main keys to success is to really want to lose weight, believe that you can, and follow the program to the letter. Whether you use conventional diets, fad diets, or hypnosis, it all requires effort and self discipline on your part. You must follow the routine to achieve the results you desire.

So if you truly want to loose weight and believe that you can, and will commit to following a daily, weekly, and monthly routine, consider hypnosis. It is one of the easiest and best methods to loose weight.

Are You Looking For a Surefire Healthy Weight Loss Strategy?

If you have been planning to go on a diet and shed off some stress weight you've put on from work then today is the time you take action. When you have a healthy body it is easier to adapt to changes in the environment and you'll find it effortless moving around. Because of this you always find ways to improve your body's condition and the first step is weight loss.

You will encounter many weight loss strategies out there like full training program together with personalized nutrition that cost more than $450 a month. I recognize that you're not interested one selling an arm and a leg just to loss weight because you are scanning over this article right now.

I want to share with you a trouble-free way to strategically lose some of your extra pounds and at the same time increase your body's nourishment.

There is no single ideal weight loss strategy for everyone the secret is to customize your diet to your own taste. This means if you want to lose weight by cutting out processed sugar but you're a big sweet-tooth then switch to natural sugar instead or if you're a big fan of carbohydrates opt for wheat bread instead. The idea is to strategically lose the weight through proper nutrition and a healthy diet.

By being creative and proactive in your weight loss by making it personal you allow your health to develop constantly. As your body losses the weight it also maintains the nourishment it needs to protect itself from disease and other harmful conditions.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Boost Metabolism For Massive Weight Loss

Here's how to boost your metabolism and cause a huge jump in weight loss. These tips are simple, yet powerful. They aren't hard to do. So please, no excuses... just do them. Take 2 minutes, read this article, then start planning on how to make these small changes so you want finally get some serious weight loss.

Boost Metabolism

1. Do multiple short workouts each day

This isn't complicated. You can simply do jumping jacks during 3 minute commercial breaks. Sprinkle that throughout your day or night and you could easily get in 15 minutes of easy cardio. It's been proven that multiple shorter workouts are MUCH BETTER for increasing your metabolism as compared to 1 longer workout.

2. Eat 5-6 meals a day

These will need to be small meals. Actually, you can eat the same amount of foods and the same foods you currently eat... just spread them out over 5-6 meals instead of 2-3. This helps speed up your metabolism due to your digestive system having to expend calories each time you eat. The more often you eat, the more often you burn off calories. DON'T GO OVERBOARD on the concept.

3. Eat hot peppers

Research has shown these to help your metabolism. Just about any spicy and or hot foods will help... but hot peppers seem to be the best choice.

4. Drink cold water

Take sips of cold water throughout the day. It takes energy to heat the cold water to body temperature. End result, metabolism goes up.

If you want to boost metabolism, then try out these 4 tips and you'll see that in 3 weeks you weigh less.

Best Weight Loss Diet - The Only Type of Diet That Works!

Are you sick of trying fad diets that work for about a week, then you gain all the weight back you lost or they just do not fit your lifestyle at all? Do you want to use what is know as one of the best weight loss diet out there to help you get to the body style you desire? There are many diet plans out there that do actually work, but in order to find one of these you have to know what to look for. Here are some tips to help you out.

First, you have to understand why most fad diets and diet pills are not good for you at all. The diet pills are normally designed to do one of two things. They either suppress your appetite, which is horrible because this will keep you from feeding your body the nutrition it needs or they will help you drop water weight, which will dehydrate you and is also bad. The fad diets usually just clean out your system and offer no support for your body if you use an exercise program.

Second, the best weight loss diet are those that are balanced in nature and continually work for individuals over and over again. They are not just a diet, but also an exercise program, and also a way to change your lifestyle to make you more active and healthier. This is very important because you do not need something that promises weight loss in a hurry. Those types of promises are not a sign of the best weight loss diet out there.

Last, you will be looking for a program that will teach you how to control your portions when you eat meals, but will not tell you that you cannot eat things you enjoy. This is key because if you take away all the foods that you enjoy you will no longer enjoy eating and it will be much more difficult for you to stay on track and get to the goals you have set for yourself. This needs to be a new habit that you are forming and not a way to cut out specific foods forever.