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Monday, November 4, 2013

Approved Weight Loss Supplements - Department of Health & Human Services

In the modern world people seem more determined than ever to shed unwanted pounds at any cost. They go through many dangerous exercise routines and unlicensed supplements that inevitably do more harm than good.

On the market today are many approved supplements that would aid in weight loss in a natural, safe, way. Some of those wonderful products work without any discernible side effects. Others have noticeable reasons for avoiding them.

The Department of Health and Human services has determined that the following substances, among others, are useful for the role of supplemental weight loss: Apidexin, Phenphedrine, Decaslim, and Testoripped.

There are a few key differences between each of these that you may wish to be aware of. Apidexin, for instance, is a fat loss related supplement. Unlike most products devoted to helping you lose weight, this one does not act as a diuretic. The consumer of this supplement loses actual fat, not water weight.

Phenphedrine is an appetite suppressant. It targets hormones in the brain that cause hunger and keep you from the desire to eat as much. This product was proven successful in deterring hunger attacks and 'stress' eating.

Decaslim is a more food and nature oriented product. It was invented by a college student in Hawaii that based the formula on the ten super foods episode that Oprah Winfrey did on her show. Several of the key ingredients are the world famous Acai berry, the flaxseed, and green tea. Those who utilize this supplement generally remain devoted to it for its health benefits beyond the loss of weight.

Testoripped is not just a supplemental weight removal product. It is also a fitness and muscle promotion system. The product is a fast acting weight remover as well as a promoter of the growth of lean muscle mass due to having creatine, Arginine AKG, and Tribulus Terrestius as ingredients. This increases the production of testosterone in the body. For this reason only men should take this supplement.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Wonderful Weight Loss Solutions

If you haven't heard yet, Fat Loss 4 Idiots Com is all the rave on the internet. Where have you been? Under a rock? Anyway, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a weight loss program that was designed to shatter all previous limiting beliefs with regard to losing weight.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Com destroys the so-called "fad diets," such as the low-fat, low-carb, and low-calorie diets. It goes on to explain the proper way to maximize your weight loss.

A few avenues that are outlined in the program are hormone control (through diet). The program teaches you what and when to eat to maximize the efficiency of your fat burning hormones while minimizing the effects of your body's fat storing hormones.

The foundation is built around eating more often during the day. How often? Well, 5 to 6 meals per day often. "Why should we be eating more? This seems like it would be counter-productive." Well, for starters, we eat less at each meal. And eating more often during the day helps to keep our metabolism burning all day. This will also level out blood sugars (for you diabetics).

Now, the program claims that you will lose 9 lbs every 11 days. From what I've ready on the internet, this isn't quite common, although possible. What is more likely, is that you will lose 6 lbs every 11 days.

So, with the clear instructions offered within this program, I can't see how anyone could fail at this diet. A plus is that there are plenty of Fat Loss 4 Idiots Com forums out there to support you and your weight loss goals.

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Georgetown University Study Documents Weight Loss Benefits of Niacin-bound Chromium (NBC)

Beauty expert Dr. Nicholas Perricone uncovers mineral beneficial for weight and blood sugar control

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, best known as the "beauty doctor" has uncovered clinical research that shows niacin-bound chromium helps reduce weight and manage proper blood sugar levels. The studies, done at Georgetown University, bring hope to overweight and obese individuals, classified as pre-diabetic or Type 2 diabetic.

Chicago, Illinois; January 12, 2007. In studies conducted at Georgetown University Medical Center, researchers have found that a specific, trace mineral, known as niacin-bound chromium (NBC) helps to reduce weight, improve the insulin functioning of Type 2 diabetics and promote normal cholesterol levels.

Recently brought to light by the book, 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health and Longevity, published by best-selling author Dr. Nicholas Perricone, these studies indicate that the depletion of chromium can precipitate weight-inducing problems.

According to Dr. Perricone:

"In a placebo-controlled crossover study, Dr. Preuss and a team of researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center showed that overweight African-American women consuming 600 micrograms of chromium as NBC (the ChromeMate brand) for 8 weeks had a significant loss of body fat and sparing muscle (lean body mass) compared with a prior placebo period of the same duration.

Increased fat loss was also observed among women who were randomized to consume chromium first, followed by a placebo, suggesting a carryover effect of the supplementation on fat loss."

What this means, according to Perricone, is that niacin-bound chromium has weight loss benefits without the accompanying negative effect of muscle loss resulting, in leaner bodies for users.

Perricone states that in addition to weight loss, NBC has additional blood sugar control, cholesterol and overall longevity benefits for users.

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